For example, who the hell was the first person to decide to eat a pineapple? No, seriously. Look at that thing. The top is all spikey, the outside is all spikey and you have to dig the damn thing up out of the ground. Who pulled up the spiked thing (which can sometimes hurt if you're grabbing that top the wrong way!) and said "Hey, we should try eating this"? It looks like the fruit of death. I would think that primitive man would have looked at it and said "Hey, this looks painful. We should use it as a weapon!". That seems far more logical, but someone decided they were going to eat it. I like to imagine that it was done on a dare. I think it'd be a pretty good dare to force someone to eat the spiked fruit of death.
And while we're at it, do you ever wonder if people first picked oranges and tried to eat them like apples and were like "This fruit is rubbish!" because they were eating the skin, so oranges didn't get eaten for hundreds of years until someone went "Hey, if you take this nasty stuff off, the inside is really yummy" and then the orange was somehow redeemed? Sometimes I wonder if that happened.
Never really thought about it that way, but you're right really....
You crack me up! :-)
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